Background: The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) regularly conducts the National Profile of Local Health Departments (the Profile) study, a comprehensive, representative survey of all 2,800 LHDs in the United States.
Objectives: The objectives of this analysis are to describe trends in HIV/AIDS, other STD and TB service provision between 2005 and 2010 and to describe the services available at LHDs of different sizes.
Methods: The data from the 2005 and 2008 surveys were analyzed to identify trends in HIV/AIDS, other STD and TB service provision at LHDs, and will be combined with preliminary results from the 2010 survey to identify trends in HIV/AIDS, other STD and TB services provided by LHDs.
Results: The results of the 2005 and 2008 Profile studies indicate that 59-62% of LHDs provided HIV/AIDS screening, 60-64% of LHDs provided screening for ‘other’ STDs, and 81-85% of LHDS provided TB screening. Data from the 2005 and 2008 Profile studies indicate that 20-26% of LHDs provided HIV/AIDS treatment, 57-61% of LHDs provided treatment for ‘other’ STDs, and 72-75% of LHDS provided services for TB treatment.
Conclusions: LHDs are an important component of the public health system and provide HIV, STD and TB services in many communities. The current fiscal environment has contributed to a shifting the services provided by many LHDs.
Implications for Programs, Policy, and Research: LHDS remain crucial providers of community-based STD services.