D2.7 Comparing Two Approaches of CT/GC Screenings in Public High Schools in Puerto Rico

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Bessie R. Lopez, MA, STD/HIV Prevetion Division, Puerto Rico Deparment of Health, San Juan, PR and Trinidad Garcia, PhD, Puerto Rico Deparment of Health, STD/HIV Prevention, San Juan, PR

Background: The Infertility Prevention Project of the STD/HIV Prevention Division of the Puerto Rico Department of Health promotes Chlamydia/Gonorrhea screening in women less than 26 years old. To reach this population and as an innovative initiative, the PRDOH and the Department of Education signed an agreement in 2006 to coordinate STD screenings in public high schools. In 2010, another agreement was signed for school nurses in the San Juan area to offer CT/GC screenings for female students only.

Objectives: Compare the two high school screenings initiatives and evaluate their outcomes.

Project Description: An analysis comparing the total number of tests, positivity, cost and effectiveness will be performed. A description of the coordination of the initiatives, number of resources and logistics will be used to make this assessment

Findings: From 2006 through 2010, a total of 12 public high school screening activities using the protocol that involves the teachers and other non-clinical staff have been performed. A total of 1,126 female students have been screened. The second initiative began in September 2011 and a total of 256 female students have been screened. Both screening initiatives have identified a 7% Chlamydia positivity. Costs are going to be evaluated to determine which initiative is more cost-effective and has a far-reaching prevention impact

Conclusions: Reaching young females with targeted screenings and working with public high school dynamics are the challenges that the Infertility Prevention Project has to endure to reduce the incidence of Chlamydia.

Implications for Programs, Policy, and Research: After this assessment, a discussion and decision as to which initiative is more cost-effective for the Puerto Rico Infertility Prevention Project will be taking place.