Background: This report describes deployment of smartphones for use by 238 urban, predominately African American, young adult women at high-risk for HIV. Love, Sex, and Choices is a 12-episode soap opera video series created as an intervention to reduce HIV risk and evaluated in a randomized controlled trial. We discuss development of a mobile platform to deliver 12-weekly videos and comparison group messages to smartphones.
Objectives: To describe the development of a mobile platform to stream HIV prevention videos to smartphones.
Methods: The phones were used to access weekly videos or messages, respond to content-related questions, and email. Decisions on platform development required extensive pilot testing. Viewing start-stop time was tracked using a Helix™ Session Manager to document the intervention was delivered as intended.
Results: This was a high risk sample of 238, 18-to-29 year old women, mean age of 22. The majority was African American (n =210, 88.2%). Nearly all of the 117 in the video group enjoyed watching the video on smartphones (n =113, 96.6%) and felt they watched in privacy (n =113, 96.6%). Only 2 missed episodes. Nearly all watched each episode at least once. There were disadvantages. A sizable number of phones were damaged or stolen and at times there was asynchronous audio and video.
Conclusions: Data provided evidence of treatment adherence. Nearly all enjoyed watching on smartphones. Episodes were rarely missed; most replayed episodes. There was a steep curve in time and expense during technical development. Implications for Programs, Policy, and Research: