Allison Friedman, MS

Division of STD Prevention
1600 clifton road, MS E44
Atlanta, GA
USA 30333

Biographical Sketch:
Ms. Friedman is a Health Communication Specialist in the Behavioral Interventions & Research Branch at CDC, in the Division of STD Prevention, where she has been since 2003. She has directed national campaigns to raise awareness of STDs and their potential consequences, reduce STD-associated stigma, and promote STD prevention and screening. She directed CDC’s HPV Awareness and Education Effort, and currently directs DSTDP’s African-American STD Disparities Social Marketing Research Project. She is actively involved in the award-winning GYT: Get Yourself Tested Campaign (a public information campaign promoting STD awareness and testing among youth), in partnership with MTV, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Ms. Friedman has received CDC awards for her contributions to HPV communications, minority health programs and efforts to address STD disparities, and program collaboration and service integration. Prior to her career at CDC, Allison spent four years in Washington DC, working in public health policy at the World Federation for Public Health Associations (WFPHA), and in behavioral health research at the National Academy of Science’s Institute of Medicine (IOM).