Kirsten Gravningen Jr., MD, MPH

University Hospital of North Norway
Department of microbiology and infection control
P.O. Box 56
Tromsø Norway 9038

Biographical Sketch:
2008- : Principal investigator and PHD-student at the project “Sexual Behaviour and Chlamydia Infection among High School Students in Finnmark” 2010: Nordic Summer School in Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Denmark 2009: Admitted at EPINOR-programme at University of Tromsø (The PhD school for EPIdemiological research in the high NORth) 2005-10: Senior Consultant Infection Control 2004: Specialist of Medical Microbiology, MD PUBLICATIONS i. Originals 1. Christerson L, Ruettgr A, Gravningen K, Ehricht R, Sachse K, Herrmann B. High-resolution genotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis using a novel multilocus typing (MLT) DNA microarray. J Clin Microbiology 2011, doi: 10.1128/JCM. 00883-11 2. Træen B, Gravningen K. The use of protection for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among heterosexual young adults 2009. Sexuality and Culture 2011; 15(2); 195 -212 ii. Submitted 1. Gravningen K, Christerson L, Furberg A-S, Simonsen GS, Ödman K, Ståhlsten A, Herrmann B. High-resolution Multilocus Sequence Typing reveals multiple new genotypes in North and Central Norway. CMI, August 2011