Lei Wang, PhD

Statistical Center for HIV AIDS Research Programs
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Seattle, WA
USA 98109

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Wang joined the Satistical Center for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Research (SCHARP) in 2001 and has since worked as a biostatistician in the Acute HIV Infection Network (AHIN) and then the HIV Preventions Network (HPTN). She is the lead statistician for HPTN 061, a feasibility study of HIV prevention strategies among Black MSM, and the co-lead statistician for HPTN 052, a phase III randomized clinical trial to compare immediate versus delayed ART treatment strategy in preventing HIV-1 transmission among serodiscordant couples. Specialized in the design, monitoring, reporting, and statistical analysis of phase I-III HIV prevention and treatment trials.