Katherine E. Bonafide, MA

Syracuse University
Department of Psychology
430 Huntington Hall
Syracuse, NY
USA 13244

Biographical Sketch:
2008- Present: Doctoral student in Clinical Psychology at Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY). Advisor: Peter A. Vanable, Ph.D. Current Master's Thesis: Enhancing Male HPV Vaccine Acceptance: The Role of Altruism and Awareness of Male Specific Health Benefits Relevant publications & presentations: Mimiaga, M., Reisner, S., Tetu, A., Bonafide, K., Cranston, K, Bertrand, T, Novak, D., Mayer, K.H. (2009). Partner notification after STD and HIV exposures and infections: knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of Massachusetts men who have sex with men. Public Health Reports, 124(1), 111-9. Vanable, P., Carey, M., Bonafide, K., Brown, J., & Bostwick. (April, 2011). Barriers to male human papillomavirus vaccination among African-American mothers and their adolescent sons. Paper presentation at the 32nd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC. Wyatt, J., Vanable, P., Bonafide, K., Heath, J., Carey, M., Brown, J., & Bostwick, R. (April, 2011). The Relationship of Parent-Child Communication about Sexual Health to Sexual Risk Taking among African American Adolescents. Poster presentation at the 32nd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.