Jen Hecht, MPH

2128 15th Street
San Francisco, CA
USA 94114

Biographical Sketch:
Education Director, STOP AIDS Project, December 2006 - present Responsible for research and development of new intervention to reduce unprotected sex among gay men, program strategy, and evaluation of programs. Supervise up to 4 staff. Supervised 2 interns in MPH programs Outreach Coordinator, AIDS Care Ocean State, Providence, RI, 2000-2003 J Hecht Social and Sexual Networks at STOP AIDS Project: A New Strategy for Diffusing Messages, in Communication Perspectives on HIV/AIDS for the 21st Century, ed. Edgar, T. et al, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc, 2008. J W Dilley, J Hecht, H-H M Truong, M H Katz, W McFarland S Scheer, T Kellogg, J D Klausner, S Schwarcz, G Colfax, K Bernstein, B Louie, HIV is hyperendemic among men who have sex with men in San Francisco: 10 year trends in HIV incidence, HIV prevalence, sexually transmitted infections and sexual risk behaviour, 2008;84;493-498 Sex Transm Inf Liu, A.; Kittredge, P.; Vittinghoff, E.; Raymond, H.F.; Ahrens, K.; Matheson, T; Hecht, J.; Klausner, J.; and Buchbinder, S., Limited knowledge and use of HIV post- and pre-exposure prophylaxis among gay and bisexual men, JAIDS, 2008; 47:241-247 Vaudrey, J; Raymond, HF; Chen, S.; Hecht, J.; Ahrens, K.; McFarland, W. Indicators of use of methamphetamine and other substances among men who have sex with men, San Francisco, 2003–2006, Drug and Alcohol Dependence 90 (2007) 97–100