Ellen Teig, MSPH

550 S. 43rd St
Boulder, CO
USA 80305

Biographical Sketch:
JSI RESEARCH & TRAINING INSTITUTE, INC., Denver, Colorado Project Associate, September 2005 to present Family Planning Training and Technical Support Provide project support, including coordination/planning of meetings and training events; transcribing meeting and conference call notes; scheduling conference calls; communicating with clients, consultants and facility contacts; managing training event registrations and accounts receivable, designing promotional materials, maintaining client database, conduct mailings, compiling meeting and training event materials, and maintaining project files. Tasks include but are not limited to brochure design, facilities management, budget management, trainer management, and on-site registration process. Develop an evaluation tool for sessions, as well as the entire conference, and tabulating those following the conference. Process technical support forms and distribute consultant reports and evaluations. Conduct data analysis on surveys and needs assessments. Colorado Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy, Parenting, & Prevention (COAPPP) CDC Maternal, Infant, & Reproductive Health: National & State Coalition Capacity Building Support COAPPP in a CDC-funded project promoting science-based approaches that prevent adolescent pregnancy and STDs. Assess changes in Board infrastructure and organizational capacity building skills, developing constituent and project activity databases, implementing state-wide needs assessment, collecting and synthesizing state and regional level data for targeting communities in need, measuring usefulness and satisfaction of COAPPP tool development activities, and evaluating training and conference activities and dissemination outcomes. Colorado Primary Care Office Health Professional Shortage Area Initiative Assisted in updating Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) designations for rural and frontier communities in Colorado requiring renewal using a Geographic Information System (GIS). Provided technical assistance regarding the HPSA application process.