Jonathan Zenilman, MD

Johns Hopkins University
Division of Infectious Diseases
5200 Eastern Ave, 3rd floor MFL Center Tower
Baltimore, MD
USA 21224

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Jonathan Zenilman is Professor of Medicine at Johns HOpkins University Schools of Medicine and Public Health and Chief of the Infectious Diseases Division at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. Dr. Zenilman was an EIS officer and medical epidemiologist at the CDC Division of STD and HIV Prevention in 1985-89, during which he designed and implemented the National Gonococcal Isoalte Surveillance Project (GISP) and coordinated the 1989 STD Treatment Guidelines. He came to Johns Hopkins and Baltimore in 1989, and has developed major clinical and research interests in STD epidemiology, behavioral science and program development. He has served as Director of Clinical Services for the Baltimore STD program. He has >250 publications, primarily in STD epidemiology and clinical research. In 2010-11 he served as a biomedical consultant to the Presidential Commission on Bioethics.