TP 160 Pilot Strategy Co - Infection TB / HIV in El Alto La Paz Bolivia

Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Exhibit Hall
Marcela Garnica, 2378573, Servicio Depatamental de Salud La Paz, Centro Regional y Vigilancia de Referencia de ITS/VIH-SIDA en la ciudad El Alto La Paz Bolivia, La Paz El Alto, Bolivia


Pilot Strategy Co - infection TB / HIV in El Alto La Paz Bolivia Introduction - Tuberculosis is a major cause of mortality in developing countries, especially in HIV-infected people. People infected with HIV are more likely to get other infections and diseases that are not infected. The first step is to ensure that people with Tuberculosis to get tested for HIV rapid timely manner. The second step is to help to carry out the treatment for tuberculosis subsequently it will continue with antiretroviral

Methods:  It was analyzed in the city of El Alto  La Paz Bolivia with the co-infection committee from June , 2010 to July 2011 in 22 health facilities that realize  supervised treatment of tuberculosis, with the following activities: - Training of health personnel. -  Implementation of actions in environments DOTS. - 1st training supervision. - 2 nd designing supervision instrument. Methodology Offer Rapid HIV Testing people with Tuberculosis:

  • In everyday attention DOTS environment in each health facilities
  • In the meetings organized by Tuberculosis  patients each health facilities

Results:  The total number of patients with tuberculosis in all its forms reported in 21 health facilities in El Alto it was 528 to 345 which was offered the HIV rapid test and to 183 was not offered   From the 345 offered 68 tests were rejected and 277 were accepted. From 277 realized tests and 273 were not reactive and 4 were reactive.  

Conclusions:  The gotten results of the study of the implementation of rapid tests for HIV co- infection the pilot estragy  tuberculosis   HIV in El Alto indicates that  is important to implement rapid tests in DOTS health facilities to attract people living with HIV and provide appropriate follow-up , and then to began with respective ARV treatment.