Background: The burden of HIV/AIDS in the United States specifically in the south disproportionately impacts African Americans. Few sexual-health campaigns target African American colligates. Formative research with this population proposes the need to reach females in this setting with assertive and empowering methods. We sought to develop, implement and evaluate a sexual health project for African American Females between the ages of 17-22 enrolled in college.
Methods: Lady Phronie, MPH (LPMPH), The Community Education Group (CEG), key stakeholders implemented LADY Project. It utilizes National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW) colligate members to promote positive attitudes and behaviors related to reproductive health. The campaign ran five weeks on an urban female college campus in Atlanta, GA. Pre-and post-test evaluated project effectiveness on HIV Knowledge, empowerment, advocacy and stigma.
Results: A total of 16 females age 18 - 21 completed the pre-project test and 11 completed the post-project test. The responses on the pre-test related to HIV transmission demonstrated a need for HIV/AIDS education. There was gain in HIV/AIDS knowledge from pre to post test. 100% of the project participants expressed overwhelming interest and motivation while designing the service learning outreach portion of the LADY Project.
Conclusions: Data indicate initial success of LADY on African American Colligate female’s desire for self-efficacy and willingness to advocate around sexual health issues. When executed with fidelity, high impact projects are cost effective in promoting social and sexual reproductive justice, while providing opportunities for colligate females to take ownership in transforming their health as well as take leadership in promoting better health in their community. Replicated of the LADY Project Model could expanded to other colleges and universities and for other health behaviors.