TP 185 Gender Differences in Stigma and Shame Related to Sexually Transmitted Disease and Its Preventive Intentions in Korean Adults

Tuesday, June 10, 2014
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Hae Won Kim, RN, PhD, college of nursing, the research institute of nursing science, Seoul National university, seoul, South Korea

Background:  It is necessary to know the gender differences in perceptions related sexually transmitted disease and its prevention applied to effective nursing practice. This study examined to identify the gender differences in stigma, shame related to sexually transmitted disease (STD), and its preventive intentions in Korean adults.  

Methods:  A survey design was utilized to collect cross sectional and retrospective data. A convenient sample of 1890 Korean men and women living in Korea were recruited to the study. Using the questionnaires, assessment was done including stigma, shame of STD, and intentions of limiting numbers of sexual partners and regular condom use for STD prevention, and sociodemographic factors. Data analysis procedures included descriptive analysis, Mann Whitney test, Spearman rho coefficients using SPSS+IBM package program.

Results: Of the 1890 Korean recruited in this study, 763 male (46.7%) and 905 female (54.3%). There were significant differences in shame related to STD (z=-7.14, p<.001), intention of limiting numbers of sexual partner (z=-5.92, p<.001), and intention of condom use (z=-3.01, p=.003). Stigma and shame of STD were significantly associated with preventive intentions of STD in both men and women. And Sociodemographic factors were significantly associated with stigma and shame of STD.

Conclusions: Gender differences in STD perceptions and STD preventive intentions were identified in Korean adults. Thus, it is necessary that reducing the negative feelings and perceptions regarding STD for Korean women, and whereas enhancing awareness of limiting sexual partners and condom use for Korean men. This study provided the necessity of gender specific STD prevention by sociodemographic levels in the Korean community. Acknowledgement: This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (grant number: 2012- R1A1A301-5525).