Annakutty Mathew, MD, FACP

Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services
Medical Director
#123 Chalan Kareta
Mangilao Guam 96913-6304

Biographical Sketch:
1. D’Amato, R.F., Salemi, M., Mathew. A., Cleri, D.J., Reddy. G., Achromobacter xylosox idans(Alcaligenes Xylosoxdans subp. Xylosoxdans) Meningitis Associated with a Gunshot wound. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 26: 2425-2426, 1988 2. D’Amato, R.F., Mathew. A., Hochstein, L., Cleri D.J., Johnson J.: In Vitro Activity of Ampicillin plus sulbactam against enterococci determined by the Time-Kill Method. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 12(1) : 9 - 11, 1989. 3. Anthony J. Mastellone, Annakutty Mathew, Vicky Young and Dennis J. Cleri. Section III. Antimicrobial agents Chapter 12. Antifungal, Antiviral and Antituberculosis Agents . Pages 233-260. In R.F. Zambito, D.J. Cleri, (eds). IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF THE MOUTH, 4. John R.Vernaleo, Annakutty Mathew, Elsa Clark and Dennis J. Cleri. HEAD AND NECK. Mosby Yearbook, Inc., Publishers, St.Louis, 1991. 4. Section I. The Human Immune System. Chapter 2. The Human Immune System. Pages 13 – 25. In R.F. Zambito, D.J. Cleri, (eds) IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF THE MOUTH, HEAD AND NECK. Mosby Year Book, Inc., Publishers, St. Louis, 1991. 5. Annakutty Mathew, Harrison Donnelly and Dennis J. Cleri. Section I. The Human Immune System. Chapter 3. Human Immunodeficiencies. Pages 26- 41. In R.F. Zambito, D.J. Cleri, (eds) . Immunology and Infectious Diseases of the mouth, head and neck. Mosby –Year book, Inc., Publishers, St. Louis, 1991. 6. Vernaleo, J.R., Mathew. A., Cleri, D.J., D’Amato. R.F., Joachim, G.R., Pappa, T.M., Mastellone, A.J., Wallman, A.A., Perlman, J., Neisseria Sicca Endocarditis with Embloic Phenomena. Diagnostic Microbilogy and Infectious Diseases 15 (1) : 165 – 167, 1992. 7. Saied Safabakhsh MD, Varghese Parambi MD, Annakutty Mathew MD., Robert G Nelson MD. End Stage Renal Disease and Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Guam. 2001 ASN/ISN World Congress of Nephrology.