Maureen Michaels, BA

Michael's Opinion Research
350 West 31st St., Suite 505
New York, NY
USA 10001

Biographical Sketch:
Maureen Michaels, president of Michaels Opinion Research, Inc., has over 20 years experience designing and managing numerous research projects for programs in communications, public affairs and marketing. Ms. Michaels began her career in research at The Gallup Poll. For Gallup, she was managing editor of the monthly magazine, The Gallup Report, and research assistant to George Gallup, Jr. Ms. Michaels was also a contributing writer to the syndicated Associated Press column, “The Gallup Youth Survey.” Prior to forming her firm in 1987, Ms. Michaels was a vice president in the research division of Hill and Knowlton, Inc., the international public relations agency. In this position, Ms. Michaels produced research which significantly influenced the design of public relations campaigns and programs for mergers and acquisitions and crisis communications. Recognized for her work on HIV prevention communications to youth, Ms. Michaels has collaborated on STD/HIV-related issues with the UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, The Harvard AIDS Institute, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, the Minnesota Department of Human Services and GlaxoSmithKline. Her research work on adolescent AIDS prevention education was accepted for poster presentation at the XIV International AIDS Conference. Ongoing research conducted for The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation influenced the development of sexual health PSAs broadcast on MTV, BET, and UPN and of articles published in the seventeen magazine TeenSmarts series. Published research has received broad national media coverage and has been widely distributed to public health agencies nationwide. Most recently, Ms. Michaels has worked with the Academy for Educational Development on H1N1 influenza vaccine communications research and on formative HIV vaccine education initiative research (NHVREI).