Christina Schumacher, PhD

Research Associate
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Bayview Medical Center, 5200 Eastern Ave
Mason F Lord Bldg, Center Twr, Ste 4200
Baltimore, MD
USA 21224

Biographical Sketch:
2012 - present -- Research Associate Faculty, Department of Pediatrics, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 2011 - 2012 -- Epidemiologist, HIV/STD Prevention Program, Baltimore City Health Department, Baltimore, MD 2008 - 2011 -- Research Associate, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Imperial College London, London, UK Currently work in close collaboration with the Baltimore City Health Department on collecting and analyzing STD and HIV surveillance data. Serve as lead epidemiologist on implementing and evaluating an innovative targeted HIV control strategy and as co-Investigator for the Baltimore site of the STD Sentinel Surveillance Network (SSuN). (2011 - present) Served as lead epidemiologist and data manager for the Manicaland HIV/STD Prevention Study, a large community-based cohort study in eastern Zimbabwe (2008 - 2011)