Mariangela Silveira, Dr . PhD

Associate Professor
Faculty of Medicine - Federal University of Pelotas - RS- Brazil
Maternal and Child Department
Rua Marechal Deodoro, 1160 - 3° Piso
Pelotas Brazil

Biographical Sketch:
1995 - present -- Associate Professor - Faculty of Medicine - Maternal and Child Department - Federal University of Pelotas - RS- Brazil 1995-present- Academic Coordinator of Women HIV Clinic - Faculty of Medicine - Maternal and Child Department - Federal University of Pelotas - RS- Brazil 2005- present -- Researcher and Associate Professor at the Pos-graduate Program in Epidemiology - Federal University of Pelotas - Brasil 2013-present - Head of Maternal and Child Department - Federal University of Pelotas - RS- Brazil 2011-2012 - President of the Brazilian STD Association Author or coauthor of 35 publications most related to STD/AIDS and Maternal and Child Health research. Responsible for scientific orientation of more then 20 under-graduate and Pos-graduate students