Shauna Stahlman, MPH

Graduate Student Researcher
School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology
Box 951772
Los Angeles, CA
USA 90095

Biographical Sketch:
2010-present -- Graduate Student Researcher, Department of Epidemiology, Fielding School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. Publications: Stahlman, S., M. Javanbakht, A. Stirland, et al., Methamphetamine use among women attending sexually transmitted disease clinics in Los Angeles County. Sex Transm Dis, 2013. 40(8): p. 632-8. Javanbakht, M., S. Stahlman, S. Walker, et al. "Provider perceptions of barriers and facilitators of HPV vaccination in a high-risk community." Vaccine, 2012. 30(30): 4511-4516. Presentations: Findings from a Global Internet Survey on Rectal Douching Patterns for Anal Intercourse, Marjan Javanbakht, Shauna Stahlman, Jim Pickett, Marc-Andre LeBlanc, Pamina Gorbach. Abstract presented at the International AIDS Conference, July 2012. Rectal Douching and Lubricant Use among Global Web-Survey Respondents, Shauna Stahlman, Marjan Javanbakht, Jim Pickett, Marc-Andre LeBlanc, and Pamina Gorbach. Oral presentation given at the International Microbicides Conference, April 2012. A Qualitative Assessment of Facilitators and Barriers to HPV Vaccination Among Providers Serving a High-Risk Community, Marjan Javanbakht, Shauna Stahlman, Susan Walker, Sami Gottlieb, Lauri Markowitz, Nicole Liddon, Aaron Plant, Sarah Guerry. Abstract presented at the 19th International Society for STD Research, July 2011. Qualitative Assessment of Anal Intercourse and Rectal Lubricant Use among Women in Los Angeles, Marjan Javanbakht, Joelle Brown, Bita Amani, Shauna Stahlman, Pamina Gorbach, Stephen Brown, Colleen Murphy, Marjan Hezareh. Abstract presented at the 19th International Society for STD Research, July 2011.