Manju Bala, MD, PhD

Professor and Consultant
VMMC and Safdarjang Hospital
Apex Regional STD Teaching, Training & Research Centre
VMMC and Safdarjang Hospital
New Delhi India

Biographical Sketch:
April 2013-present -- Professor, Apex Regional STD Teaching, Training & Research Centre and Department of Microbiology, VMMC and Safdarjang Hospital , New Delhi, India. 2005-2013 -- Associate Professor in above department. 1995-2005 -- Microbiologist in above department. 1990-1995 -- Pool Officer and Senior demonstrator, Department of Microbiology UCMS & GTB Hospital, Delhi, India. Working in Apex STD Centre, recognized as National Reference Centre for STIs in India by National AIDS Control Organization, I am involved in the following STI/HIV activities: Carrying out surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae for the last 18 years. Coordinator of WHO-Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Programme (GASP) in South-East Asia Region (WHO-GASP-SEAR). Carrying out laboratory based diagnosis of Syphilis, Chancroid, Donovanosis, Herpes progenitalis, Genital Chlamydiasis, Candidiasis, Trichomoniasis, Bacterial vaginosis, Balanoprosthitis, HIV infection and Opportunistic Infections in AIDS. Conducting National External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS) of Gonococcal Antimicrobial Susecptibility Testing, Syphilis Serology, HIV testing, CD4 count. Participating in international EQAS. Working on WHO, DBT, ICMR , NACO, Grand challenges-Canada research projects. Awards: ICMR and others on STIs. Author or coauthor of 81 publications, out of which 47 in International Journals, 34 in Indian Journals. Book chapter relating to STIs. Contributed to publication of 3 WHO documents from Geneva Headquarters. Participated in panel discussions, Presented 18 papers and was co-author in 43 papers presented by others. Reviewed articles on STIs/HIV for many international and national journals. Technical Expert for NACO in many Technical Committees. Organized 54 workshops on STIs and HIV/AIDS. Executive Member of Indian Association of Sexually Transmitted Diseases & AIDS. Member of International Collaboration of Gonococci. Member of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists. Supervising and mentoring activities of all other Regional STI Centres in India as NACO expert.