Andrea Swartzendruber, MPH, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow
Emory University
Rollins School of Public Health, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education
1518 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA
USA 30322

Biographical Sketch:
2012-present: Postdoctoral Fellow/ PI of F32 individual training grant, Behavioral Sciences and Health Education Department, Emory University Rollins School of Public Health -- STI prevention and epidemiology among high-risk adolescents; 2009: HIV/AIDS Technical Consultant, Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator -- Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission; 2002-2008: Public Health Advisor, CDC, Global AIDS Program, HIV Care and Treatment Branch -- Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission; 1999-2002: RCT study coordinator, CDC, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention -- Surveillance and Epidemiology, Epidemiology Branch -- HIV/HCV prevention among young injection drug users Author or co-author of 16 journal articles and book chapters >35 presentations at scientific conferences