Associate Professor Head of the Sector of STD
Fluminense Federal University
STD department
Rua Miguel de Frias, 9, anexo, sobreloja, Icaraí, Niterói, RJ
Biographical Sketch:
1981 to present -- graduated in Medicine from the Medical College of Teresopolis
1989 to present -- Masters in Medicine Gynecology Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
1994 to present -- Ph.D. in Science ( Microbiology ) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Currently associate professor in the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology , Universidade Federal Fluminense
Director of Publisher Fluminense Federal University
1988 to present -- Founder and first president of the Brazilian Society of DST
1989 to present -- founder and first Editor -in-Chief of the journal indexed Brazilian Journal of STD since its inception 2006 to present -- chairman of the Editorial Board of Editora Universidade Federal Fluminense
Actually -- chief editor of the scientific journal Journal of Medicine Fluminense ( Fluminense Medical Association ) . Actually -- Referee of Sexually Transmitted Infections - STI . Brazilian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Brazilian Journal of Microbiology - Femina .
Actually -- Vice - President of the Brazilian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Rio de Janeiro
Actually -- Southeast Region Director for ABEU ( Brazilian Association of Publishers Universitarias )
Has experience in the area of STD genital infectious diseases , clinical microbiology , with an emphasis in Medical Microbiology , acting on the following topics : STDs , sexually transmitted diseases , deessetologia , syphilis and HPV . Actually -- Founder of NGO Eliminasífilis .
Actually -- Author, developer and organizer of several books ( medical , health education , anthologies , compilations and children ) and national and international papers . Article Penile Myiasis : a case report published in STI was classified as Top Ten Articles 2007 ( ) .
2008 -- representing the Sectorial Chamber of the Book and Literature was appointed Member of the Municipal Council of Culture in Niterói, for management 2008/2010 ( Ordinance no.
2011 -- he received the title of " Honoured Doctor of the Year " by Fluminense Medical Association and the Medical Society of the State of Rio de Janeiro " by the relevant services to the Health of the Municipality of Niterói , São Gonçalo and the adjacent region
1999 to presents -- Specialist in Gynaecology Obstetrics and the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics in FEBRASGO TEGO .