Mauro Romero Leal Passos Sr., Passos, MRL

Associate Professor Head of the Sector of STD
Fluminense Federal University
STD department
Rua Miguel de Frias, 9, anexo, sobreloja, Icaraí, Niterói, RJ
Niterói Brazil

Biographical Sketch:
1981 to present -- graduated in Medicine from the Medical College of Teresopolis 1989 to present -- Masters in Medicine Gynecology Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 1994 to present -- Ph.D. in Science ( Microbiology ) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Currently associate professor in the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology , Universidade Federal Fluminense Director of Publisher Fluminense Federal University 1988 to present -- Founder and first president of the Brazilian Society of DST 1989 to present -- founder and first Editor -in-Chief of the journal indexed Brazilian Journal of STD since its inception 2006 to present -- chairman of the Editorial Board of Editora Universidade Federal Fluminense Actually -- chief editor of the scientific journal Journal of Medicine Fluminense ( Fluminense Medical Association ) . Actually -- Referee of Sexually Transmitted Infections - STI . Brazilian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Brazilian Journal of Microbiology - Femina . Actually -- Vice - President of the Brazilian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Rio de Janeiro Actually -- Southeast Region Director for ABEU ( Brazilian Association of Publishers Universitarias ) Has experience in the area of STD genital infectious diseases , clinical microbiology , with an emphasis in Medical Microbiology , acting on the following topics : STDs , sexually transmitted diseases , deessetologia , syphilis and HPV . Actually -- Founder of NGO Eliminasífilis . Actually -- Author, developer and organizer of several books ( medical , health education , anthologies , compilations and children ) and national and international papers . Article Penile Myiasis : a case report published in STI was classified as Top Ten Articles 2007 ( ) . 2008 -- representing the Sectorial Chamber of the Book and Literature was appointed Member of the Municipal Council of Culture in Niterói, for management 2008/2010 ( Ordinance no. 2011 -- he received the title of " Honoured Doctor of the Year " by Fluminense Medical Association and the Medical Society of the State of Rio de Janeiro " by the relevant services to the Health of the Municipality of Niterói , São Gonçalo and the adjacent region 1999 to presents -- Specialist in Gynaecology Obstetrics and the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics in FEBRASGO TEGO .