Senior Technical Advisor
CAI (Cicatelli Associates Inc.)
Region IV STD-related Reproductive Health Training and Technical Assistance Center
100 Edgewood Avenue, NE
Suite 900
Biographical Sketch:
2013-present – Senior Technical Advisor of Performance Management and Quality Improvement, CAI, Atlanta, GA
2004-present – Public Health Consultant, Karen Schlanger Consulting, Athens, GA
2006-2008 – Evaluation Specialist, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, Cooperative Extension, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
2004-2006 -- Senior Outcomes Coordinator, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
2001-2004 – Director, Hepatitis C Program, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, NY, NY
1999-2001 – Immunization Program Manager, New Mexico Department of Health, Santa Fe, NM
Direct CDC-funded STD-related Reproductive Health Training and Technical Assistance Center.
Provide TA and capacity building services to state and local health departments and other community-based organizations that focus on improving systems, access and staff skills related to the provision of evidence-based sexual and reproductive health clinical services.
Was responsible for development, implementation and monitoring of clinical outcome measures for evidence-based practice guidelines and performance improvement initiatives throughout a large hospital.
Directed a health department program to address hepatitis C morbidity and mortality in New York City. Managed the integration of hepatitis counseling, testing and vaccination services into STD clinics and HIV service organizations.
Managed administration, priority setting and work plan for statewide public health immunization program.
Coauthor on 4 publications relating to public health service integration.
Numerous presentations at scientific meetings.