Elaine Carvalho, Nurse

Nurse care
Prefeitura Municipal de Cáceres
Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento - Serviço de Assistência Especializada
Avenida Bandeirantes s/nº Bairro DNER
Cáceres Brazil lianecarvalhopl@hotmail.com

Biographical Sketch:
2011 - present - Nurse at Specialized Assistance Service of the Cáceres/MT, Brazil. Nurse, worked for two years at Specialized Assistance Service of the Cáceres in attention people living with HIV / AIDS performing individuaus and collective orientations in lectures and pre and post rapid check HIV. 2010 - Nursing Job in ore company in V.B.S.S. Trindade and Conquista D'oeste/MT, Brazil. 2008 - 2009 - Nurse Specialized Assistance Service of the Pontes e Lacerda/MT, Brazil.