Ellen Klingler, MPH

City Research Scientist
New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
Bureau of Sexually Transmitted Disease Control
42-09 28th Street, 20th Floor
Long Island City, NY
USA 11101

Biographical Sketch:
2003-present City Research Scientist, Epidemiologist -- Principal analyst of NYC surveillance registry: assess trends, direct policy, and formulate research. Site data manager for national, multi-site, surveillance project; database design and data analysis for special projects; implementation and maintenance team member for citywide registry database. Stenger MR, Golden M, Kerani RP, Bauer HM, Burghardt N, Anschuetz GL, Klingler E, Schumacher CM, Simon J. Patient-reported expedited partner therapy for Gonorrhea in the U.S.: Findings of the STD Surveillance Network 2010-2012. Sex Transm Dis. 2015 Sep;42(9):470-4. Pathela P, Klingler EJ, Guerry SL, Bernstein KT, Kerani RP, Llata L, Mark HD, Tabidze I, Rietmeijer CA; SSuN Working Group. Sexually transmitted infection clinics as safety net providers: exploring the role of categorical sexually transmitted infection clinics in an era of health care reform. Sex Transm Dis. 2015 May;42(5):286-93. Stenger MR, Samuel MC, Anschuetz GL, Pugsley R, Eaglin M, Klingler E, Reed M, Schumacher CM, Simon J, Weinstock H. Neighborhoods at risk: estimating risk of higher Neisseria gonorrhoeae incidence among women at the census tract level. SexTransm Dis. 2014 Nov;41(11):649-55. Handel S, Klingler EJ, Washburn K, Blank S, Schillinger JA. Population-based surveillance for neonatal herpes in New York City, April 2006-September 2010. Sex Transm Dis. 2011 Aug;38(8):705-11. Paneth-Pollak R, Klingler EJ, Blank S, Schillinger JA. The elephant never forgets; piloting a chlamydia and gonorrhea retesting reminder postcard in an STD clinic setting. Sex Transm Dis. 2010 Jun;37(6):365-8. McKinney C, Klingler E, Paneth-Pollak R, Schillinger J, Gwynn C, Frieden T. Prevalence of Adult Male Circumcision in the General Population and a Population at Increased Risk for HIV/AIDS in New York City. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Sept 2008, 35(9), 814-17. Klingler E, Pathela P, Cordova D, Blank S, Schillinger J. The burden of repeat Chlamydia trachomatis infection in young women in New York City. Oral presentation at 2006 National STD Prevention Conference, Jacksonville, FL. May 2006. Klingler E, Schillinger J, Shao M, Baselice R, Neylans L, Mathieu J, Rubin S, Blank S. Gender of sex partners reported by men with primary or secondary syphilis, New York City, 2000-2002. Oral presentation at 2003 International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research Congress in Ottawa, Ontario. July 2003.