Alison Muse, MPH

Bureau Director
New York State Department of Health
Bureau of STD Prevention and Epidemiology
Empire State Plaza
Corning Tower room 536
Albany, NY
USA 12237

Biographical Sketch:
2013-present -- Director, NYSDOH, Bureau of STD Prevention and Epidemiology, Albany, NY 2011-2013 --Project Manager, NYSDOH, Division of Epidemiology, Evaluation and Research, Albany, NY 1994-2011 -- Epidemiologist, NYSDOH, NYSDOH, Bureau of STD Control, Albany, NY Responsible for overall direction of State STD program including STD surveillance, laboratory reporting, partner services activities, monitoring of STD service delivery by county health departments, as well as HIV and STD policy development, program planning, and evaluation projects. Manage STD/HIV surveillance, program planning, policy development, and research and evaluation activities of three units and over 20 professional staff (2011-2013). Direct STD surveillance and screening programs, including mother-to-child STD prevention and control; evaluation specialist for NYS STD/HIV Prevention Training Center (1994-2011).