Alameda County Public Health Department
HIV STD Section
1000 Broadway
Suite 310
Biographical Sketch:
2013-present -- Director, HIV STD Section, Alameda County Public Health Department, Oakland, CA
2011-2013 -- Director, Clinical Prevention Unit, HIV Prevention Section, San Francisco Department of Public Health, San Francsico, CA
President, California STD Controllers Association, 2014
Responsible for oversight of local health jurisdiction HIV and STD programs, including surveillance, education, prevention, Ryan White, and research, as well as new HCV initiatives (2013-present).
Responsible for localhealth jurisdiction implementation of HIV linkage to care program and expansion of medical clinic-based HIV testing (2011-2013).
Co-Investigator on large study of community-based testing for acute HIV infection (2012-present).
Co-Investigator on study of novel method to increase home HIV testing by MSM of color (2013-present).
Co-Investigator on study of behavioral risk reduction strategy for HIV serodiscordant African American heterosexual couples.
Author or coauthor of 6 peer-reviewed publications and a book chapter, primarily in the fields of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV public health.
Author or coauthor of multiple presentations at scientific meetings.