Harlan Rotblatt, BA

Project Director
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Division of HIV and STD Programs
600 S. Commonwealth Ave., 11th Floor
Los Angeles, CA
USA 90005

Biographical Sketch:
2013-Present: Project Director, Office of Planning, Division of HIV and STD Programs, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health 2004-2013: Project Coordinator, Outreach Research Communications and Assessment Unit, Sexually Transmitted Disease Program, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health 1992 - 2004: Coordinator, Adolescent STD/HIV Services Project, Sexually Transmitted Disease Program, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, Los Angeles CA. Has participated in marketing and operational aspects of the L.A. Condom Program since 2013. Has played a major role in the development, implementation, and evaluation of many other public health communications and social marketing efforts by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health since 2000, including “It’s Back, It’s Curable” (syphilis prevention and testing, 2000), “Shed Some Light on Syphilis” (2001), “Stop the Sores” (syphilis prevention and testing, 2002-2005), “Check Yourself” (syphilis prevention and testing, 2007 – present), and “I Know” (chlamydia and gonorrhea prevention and testing, 2007 – present). Participated in all aspects of expanding the “I Know” campaign to include a chlamydia and gonorrhea home testing program for young women (launched 2009), and is current coordinator of that program. “I Know” was joined by three other CA counties in 2013, and was included as a featured innovation in the 11/19/14 AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange. Was also a major participant in the development of the inSPOTLA partner notification website and the HepTeamLA hepatitis immunization program. Publications include: There's no place like home: first-year use of the "I Know" home testing program for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Rotblatt H, Montoya JA, Plant A, Guerry S, Kerndt PR. Am J Public Health. 2013 Aug;103(8):1376-80. Check Yourself: a social marketing campaign to increase syphilis screening in Los Angeles County. Plant A, Javanbakht M, Montoya JA, Rotblatt H, O'Leary C, Kerndt PR. Sex Transm Dis. 2014 Jan;41(1):50-7. Evaluation of inSPOTLA.org: an Internet partner notification service. Plant A, Rotblatt H, Montoya JA, Rudy ET, Kerndt PR. Sex Transm Dis. 2012 May;39(5):341-5. Stop the Sores: the making and evaluation of a successful social marketing campaign. Plant A, Montoya JA, Rotblatt H, Kerndt PR, Mall KL, Pappas LG, Kent CK, Klausner JD. Health Promot Pract. 2010 Jan;11(1):23-33. Healthy Penis: San Francisco's social marketing campaign to increase syphilis testing among gay and bisexual men. Ahrens K, Kent CK, Montoya JA, Rotblatt H, McCright J, Kerndt P, Klausner JD. PLoS Med. 2006 Dec;3(12):e474.