Rachel J. Gorwitz, MD, MPH

Medical Epidemiologist
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Division of STD Prevention
1600 Clifton Road
MS E-02
Atlanta, GA
USA 30329-4027

Biographical Sketch:
2011-present: Medical Epidemiologist, CDC, Division of STD Prevention 2004-2011: Medical Epidemiologist, CDC, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion 2003-2004: Preventive Medicine Resident, Georgia Division of Public Health 2001-2003: Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer, CDC, National Center for Infectious Diseases Responsible for the design, implementation, analysis, and publication of epidemiologic studies of sexually transmitted infections and their sequelae (2011-present). Responsible for the design, implementation, analysis, and publication of epidemiologic studies of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), development of clinical and public health guidance for management of MRSA, and CDC spokesperson for MRSA public information campaign (2004-2011). Author or co-author of over 50 publications and book chapters related to infectious disease epidemiology. Numerous presentations at scientific meetings. Board-certified pediatrician.