Mari Gasiorowicz, M.A.

Wisconsin Division of Public Health
AIDS/HIV Program
1 West Wilson
Rm 265
Madison, WI
USA 53703

Biographical Sketch:
2008-present – Epidemiologist, Wisconsin Division of Public Health, Madison WI 2006-2008 – Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, CDC Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 1999-2006 – Evaluator, Wisconsin Division of Public Health, Madison WI 1994-1999 – HIV Prevention Community Planning Coordinator, Wisconsin Division of Public Health, Madison WI Led multiple epidemiologic investigations and conducted analysis of HIV and hepatitis C surveillance and services data. Led development of 1,100-page Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 Baseline and Health Disparities Report. Analyzed process and outcome data and reported to stakeholders on projects funded through the US Government’s $300 million annual allocation for HIV services and infrastructure in Tanzania. Served as lead Evaluator on multiple federally-funded health promotion demonstration projects. Lead author or coauthor of 12 peer-reviewed journal articles primarily relating to epidemiology of HIV and hepatitis C. Worked or provided consulting services in 5 African countries and to numerous local governments and community-based organizations in the United States. Presented at numerous national public health conferences.