Tarek Mikati, MD, MPH

Medical Director
New York City Department of Mental Health and Hygiene
Bureau of STD Prevention and Control
42-09 28th Street, 20th floor
Queens, NY
USA 11101

Biographical Sketch:
Residency Internal Medicine Yale New Haven (2002-2005) Fellowship Infectious Diseases Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (2008-2012) Medical Director for HIV and STD clinics Chicago Department of Health (2013-2015) Medical Director of STD Clinics New York City Health Department and Mental Hygiene (2015-present) Publications Mikati T; Malony P; Tabidzi I; Mehta, S. The Change in Insurance Status Among Patients Seeking Care at Chicago Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics After Affordable Care Act Implementation. Sex Transm Dis 2016; 43:260–263. Tabidze IL1, Nicholson TF, Mikati T, Benbow N, Mehta SD. Adherence to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Gonococcal Treatment Guidelines Among Chicago Health Care Providers, 2011-2012. Sex Transm Dis 2015; 42:422–428. Mikati T; Griffin K; Matasar M; Lane D; Shah MK. International travel patterns and travel Risks of Stem Cell Transplant Recipients. J Trav Med 2015; 22(1): 39-47. Mikati T; Taur Y; Seo SK; Shah MK. International travel risks and patterns of cancer patients. J Travel Med 2013; 20(2): 71-77.