PhD Student and Evaluation Director
Rollins School of Public Health
Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education
1518 Clifton Road, Room 525
Biographical Sketch:
2014- Present--Evaluation Director, Emory University
2012- 2014-- Evaluation Research Manager, Emory University
2013-2015-- ORISE Sexual Health Fellow, CDC, DSTDP
•Directing the implementation of evaluation protocols for a multi-state and multi-site Planned Parenthood program in the South. Function as Co-PI.
•Led an assessment of affiliate and national data systems to collect information related to health services, community work, public policy, and capacity building activities. Currently developing evaluation and data collection protocols to collect data from over five data systems across multiple sites.
•Producing regular evaluation reports, presentations, and webinars tailored to a variety of stakeholders and audiences to provide summaries of evaluation findings.
Publications in journals such as 'Culture, health, & sexuality' and 'Journal of adolescent health'