Nicole Iturrieta, BMid(Hons), MPH, PhD candidate

PhD Candidate
University of Melbourne
Department of General Practice; Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences / Melbourne Medical School
200 Berkeley St, Carlton, Vic 3053
Melbourne Australia

Biographical Sketch:
March 2014 to February 2015: Adjunct Professor. The University of Valparaiso. School of Midwifery. San Felipe Campus. Subjects: “Sexual and Reproductive Health”, “Public Health” and “Research Methodology”. October 2013 to February 2014: Midwife at “Hospital de Curacaví” (Primary Health Centre) Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Occidente, Santiago, Chile. February 2009 to February 2011: Midwife at “CESFAM Tierras Blancas” (Family Centre) and “CECOF El Alba” (Community Centre, Primary Health Care) Municipality of Coquimbo, Chile. January to July 2010: Professor at “Instituto Profesional Valle Central”, La Serena - Chile. Courses: "Rural and Community Health" and "Microbiology and Sterilization" to students of “Nurse Technicians, higher level”. May 2006 to January 2009: Midwife at CES La Higuera (Rural Community Centre, Primary Health Care), Chile April-May 2006: Curicó Central Hospital, Curicó - Chile. January-April 2006: National Corporation of Cancer, Valparaiso and Quilpué, Chile. Thesis 2005: Aspectos biosociales que interviene en la maternidad de las trabajadoras sexuales en control de salud. [Biosocial aspects involved in the maternity of female sex workers in health control]. Study design: Mixed method.