Sonali Kulkarni, MD, MPH

Medical Director
County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health
Division of HIV and STD Programs
600 S. Commonwealth Ave 10th floor
Los Angeles, CA
USA 90005

Biographical Sketch:
2004-07 Residency in internal medicine at UCSF 2008-11 Fellowship as a Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar at UCLA 2011-current Medical Director for Division of HIV and STD Programs at LA County Department of Public Health. Relevant Publications: 1. Wohl AR, Dierst-Davies R, Victoroff A, James S, Bendetson J, Bailey J, Daar E, Spencer L, Kulkarni S, Pérez MJ. Implementation and Operational Research: The Navigation Program: An Intervention to Reengage Lost Patients at 7 HIV Clinics in Los Angeles County, 2012-2014. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2016 Feb 1;71(2):e44-50. 2. Beymer MR, Bolan RK, Flynn RP, Kerrone DR, Pieribone DL, Kulkarni SP, Stitt JC, Mejia E, Landovitz RJ. Uptake and repeat use of postexposure prophylaxis in a community-based clinic in Los Angeles, California. .AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2014 Sep;30(9):848-55. 3. Data-Driven Decision-Making Tools To Improve Public Resource Allocation For Care And Prevention Of HIV/AIDS. Gery W. Ryan, Evan W. Bloom, David J. Lowsky, Mark T. Linthicum, Timothy Juday, Lisa Rosenblatt, Sonali Kulkarni, Dana P. Goldman, and Jennifer N. Sayles. (2014) Health Affairs 33:410-417. 4. Kulkarni, SP, Shah KR, Sarma KV, Mahajan, AP. (2013). Clinical Uncertainties, Health Services Challenges, and Ethical Complexities of HIV “Test-and-Treat”: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Public Health,103, e14-23.