Prenilla Naidu, MD, FRCPC

Medical Microbiologist
Provincial Laboratory for Public Health, Alberta Health Services
WMC, 2B3.13
8840 - 112 St
Edmonton, AB
Canada T6G 2J2

Biographical Sketch:
STI Lead at the Provincial Laboratory for Public Health in Edmonton and a Clinical Associate at the University of British Columbia. She received her MD from Natal University Medical School, in South Africa and subsequently trained and worked in Paediatrics in South Africa and the United Kingdom. After arrival in Canada in 1999 she worked in general practice, as a consultant at the STI Clinic and at the inner-city Boyle McCauley Health Centre in Edmonton. Her research interests in STIs started in 1998 during her first medical microbiology residency in South Africa when she managed an STI clinic in a rural village and conducted research studies to direct the National STI Treatment Guidelines. She continues her research in this area with ongoing projects on chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasma and trichomonas infections. She is also integrally involved in the Medical Microbiology Residency Training Program at the University of Alberta and the supervision of postgraduate students.