Eve Cheuk, PhD

Research Associate
University of Manitoba
Centre for Global Public Health, Department of Community Health Sciences
R070 Medical Rehabilitation Building
771 McDermot Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
Canada R3E 0T6

Biographical Sketch:
2009-2013 -- Project Manager, National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 2013-present -- Research Associate, Centre for Global Public Health (CGPH), University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Worked with federal, provincial, territorial and regional public health officials to identify knowledge needs to improve public health programming for communicable disease prevention and control in Canada (2009-2013). Responsible for writing knowledge translation products related to communicable disease prevention and control to inform public health policy and practice in Canada (2009-2013). Developed research protocols and instruments, provided training support to local country teams, coordinated activities between country teams, and responsible for data analysis and other research-related activities for various projects at CGPH (2013-present). Numerous presentations at scientific meetings.