Elfriede Agyemang, MD

Senior Fellow
University of Washington
Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine
1959 NE Pacific Street
Seattle, WA
USA 98195

Biographical Sketch:
2010 - 2013: Internal Medicine Internship &Residency, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Rochester MN 2013 - present: Clinical Fellow, Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of Washington 2014 - present: Research Fellow, University of Washington Virology Research Clinic 2014 - present: Candidate, Master of Public Health in Epidemiology (Global Health Track), University of Washington Involved in developing an online curriculum and question bank on sexually transmitted diseases (STD) as part of an initiative of the Seattle STD/HIV Prevention Training Center. Manuscripts HSV Shedding rate: surrogate outcome for herpes disease severity and phase II endpoint for evaluating efficacy of antivirals. (manuscript in preparation) Agyemang EA, Virk A. 57-Year Old Man with Fever, Rash, Chronic Watery Diarrhea, Cough and Sweats. [Mayo Clinic Proceedings November 2012] Gooden JY, Agyemang EA, Post JA. A Surfeit of Possibilities: Nonhealing Ulcers. [The American Journal of Medicine – June 2013] Presentations Agyemang EA, Magaret AS, Selke S, Johnston C, Corey L, Wald A. HSV Shedding: surrogate for disease severity and response to antivirals. Oral Presentation at IDWeek 2015. San Diego, California. October 2015 . Abstract number: 1977 Agyemang EA, Shetty A. HIV-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, Disclosure and Stigma Issues among Antenatal Women in Accra, Ghana. Abstract Acceptance, XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City August 2008. Abstract number: THPE0267 Agyemang EA, Makol A, Mason T. Susac’s Syndrome: An unusual Etiology of Acute Encephalopathy in an Elderly Male. Poster presentation at the 2010 ACP Minnesota Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting, Minneapolis. November 2010 Agyemang EA, Kelm D, Torres K, Sohail MR. A Severe Case of Agranulocytosis Due to a ‘Benign’ Drug. Poster presentation at the 2011 ACP Minnesota Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting, Minneapolis. November 2011 Agyemang EA, Bartlett M, Ward W. A Case of Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome. Poster Presentation at the 10th Annual American Medical Association Research Symposium. Honolulu, Hawaii. November 2012