Suzanne Grieb, PhD, MSPH

Research Fellow
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Center for Child and Community Health Research
5200 Eastern Avenue
Mason F. Lord Bldg, Center Tower, Suite 4200
Baltimore, MD
USA 21224

Biographical Sketch:
Original Research [OR] Grieb SMD, Davey-Rothwell M, Latkin CA. Concurrent primary and non-primary sexual partnerships among urban African American women at risk of HIV. AIDS & Behavior. 2012;16(2):323-333. Grieb SMD, Davey-Rothwell M, Latkin CA. Social network characteristics and concurrent primary and non-primary sexual partnerships among urban African American women at risk for HIV. AIDS & Behavior. 2012;16(4):882-889. [Role: analysis, literature review, manuscript writing, manuscript editing] Grieb SMD, Nielsen-Bobbit J. Monogamy and secondary sexual partnerships among Afro Amerindian immigrant women in New York City. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2013;15(2):365-371. Davey-Rothwell MA, Villarroel MA, Grieb SMD, Latkin CA. Norms, attitudes, and sex behaviors among women with incarcerated main partners. Journal of Urban Health. 2013;90(6):1151-1165. Grieb SMD, Joseph RM, Pridget A, Smith H, Harris R, Ellen J. Understanding housing and health through the lens of transitional housing members in a high-incarceration Baltimore City neighborhood: The GROUP Ministries Photovoice Project to promote community redevelopment. Health & Place. 2013;21:20-28. Grieb SMD, Davey-Rothwell M, Latkin CA. Housing stability, residential transience, and HIV testing among low-income urban African Americans. AIDS Education & Prevention. 2013;25(5):430-444. Grieb SMD, Crawford A, Fields J, Smith H, Harris R, Matson P. “The stress will kill you”: Prisoner reentry as experienced by family members and the urgent need for support services. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 2014;25(3):1183-1200. Grieb SMD, Desir F, Flores-Miller A, Page KR. Qualitative assessment of HIV prevention challenges and opportunities among Latino immigrant men in a new receiving city. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2015;17(1):118-124. Grieb SMD, Clegg Smith K, Elder M, Calhoun K, Tandon SD. (2015) Qualitative methods and community-based participatory research: Publishing in peer reviewed journals. Progress in Community Health Partnerships. 2015;9(2):275-282. Grieb SMD, Flores-Miller A, Gulledge N, Clifford R, Page KR. ˇVive! : Designing an Intervention to Improve Timely HIV Diagnosis Among Latino Immigrant Men. Progress in Community Health Partnerships. In press. Book Chapters, Monographs [BC] Grieb SMD, Amutah N, Smith H, Hammonds K, Stowers J, Rhodes SD. Preventing HIV through social inclusion using community-based participatory research. In: Taket A, Crisp B, Goldingay S, Graham M, Hanna L, Wilson L (eds.). Practising Social Inclusion. New York, NY: Routledge; 2013.