PhD Candidate
Virginia Tech
Department of Population health Sciences
Room 392, VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine 205 Duck Pond Drive
Biographical Sketch:
2012-Present, Graduate research assistant at Department of Population Health Sciences at Virginia Tech
2014-Present, Co-Founder, Resources and Aid for Humanity, Nonprofit Organization
Selected publications:
Abbas KM, Dorratoltaj N., O’Dell ML, Bordwine P, Kerkering TM, Redican KJ. (2015) “Clinical Response, Outbreak Investigation and Epidemiology of the Fungal Meningitis Epidemic in the United States: Systematic Review”. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. , December, 1–7. doi:10.1017/dmp.2015.137.
Abbas, KM., Dorratoltaj, N., O’Dell, M., Bordwine, P., Kerkering TM., Redican, KJ. (2015). “Economic Evaluation of Fungal Meningitis Outbreak Response in New River Valley: Local Health Department Perspective.” Frontiers in Public Health Services & Systems Research 4 (4): 21–28. doi: 10.13023/FPHSSR.0404.04.
Selected Conference Presentations:
Dorratoltaj N, Bassaganya-Riera J, Ciupe S, Eubank S, O'Dell M, Rahmandad H, Abbas KM. Mathematical Modeling of HIV Viral Dynamics and Immune Response during Antiretroviral Treatment Interruptions. 143rd American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Exposition, Chicago, IL, November. 2015
Dorratoltaj, N., Marathe, A., Lewis, B., Swarup, S., Eubank S., Abbas, KM. Cost-benefit analysis of vaccine-based interventions to control pandemic influenza. EPIDEMICS5, Clearwater Beach, FL, December. 2015