Thursday, December 8, 2005

Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B Vaccination in High Risk Adults: Florida’s Experience With Integrating Services

Susanne R. Crowe and Sandra W. Roush.

Learning Objective:

By the end of the presentation, participants will be able to describe Florida's Adult Hepatitis Immunization Program and assess the program strengths and weaknesses.


Florida's Hepatitis Program provides hepatitis awareness, education, intervention programs, surveillance, and research.


Various settings in Florida's 67 counties.

Population e.g. API Youth, MSM, IDU:

Adults at increased risk for hepatitis infection or the serious consequences of infection.

Project Description:

Since 2000, adult hepatitis vaccine has been available and integrated into other public health programs. In addition to series completion, the Hepatitis Program monitors progress toward vaccine coverage goals.

Results/Lessons Learned:

As of 03/31/2005, the counties used and coded 50,492 doses of hepatitis A vaccine and 95,303 doses of hepatitis B vaccine. For hepatitis A vaccine, there were 40,838 first doses and 9,654 second doses, a 24 % population series completion rate. For hepatitis B vaccine, there were 52,053 first doses, 27,505 (53 %) second doses, and 15,745 (57 % of those receiving dose 2) third doses, a 30 % population series completion rate.
Of the 67 counties, 2 ( 3 %) have vaccinated at least 60 % of high-risk (estimated hepatitis C positive) adults for hepatitis A; 12 ( 18 %) have vaccinated 26 % - 59 %, and 53 ( 79 %) have vaccinated 0 % -25 % of estimated high risk clients. Of the 67 counties, 1 ( 2 %) has vaccinated at least 60 % of high-risk (estimated hepatitis C positive) adults for hepatitis B; 13 (19 %) have vaccinated 26 % -59 %, and 53 ( 79 %) have vaccinated 0 % -25 % of estimated high risk clients.

Public health providers, with community partners, are willing and able to provide adult hepatitis immunization services, even with no resources other than the vaccine.

Web Page:

See more of Poster Session #2
See more of The 2005 National Viral Hepatitis Prevention Conference