Learning Objective:
1. By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to locate free materials regarding hepatitis prevention and education.
2. By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to organize a hepatitis resource kit relevant to the population's they serve.
With no vaccine to prevent the spread of HCV and a limited number of high-risk adults having received the HAV or HBV vaccines, prevention education remains the primary weapon in the battle of viral hepatitis prevention. Limited funding and budget cuts have made this more than a challenging task.
Public Health Departments
Population e.g. API Youth, MSM, IDU:
IDU, HIV Co-Infection, Corrections, Infected Patients, At Risk Patients, Providers
Project Description:
The Nebraska Hepatitis Prevention coordinator accrued a resource list of free materials available regarding HAV, HBV, HCV, and the co-infection of HIV with HBV and HCV. These materials were separated out into 10 categories: National Plans, State Plans, CDC MMWR's, Patient Education, HIV Co-Infection, Professional Resources, Department of Corrections, Integration, Support Groups, and Web Links.
Results/Lessons Learned:
In 2005, each of Nebraska's 26 public health departments was supplied with a Viral Hepatits Resource Kit containing: 3 inch binder with printed material, 6 CD-ROM's, 6 floppy disk, and 10 video's. The total cost of this project from the ELC budget was less than $12.00 per kit. Each of the public health departments have provided a contact person for the Hepatitis Prevention coordinator, enabling Nebraska Health & Human Services to keep each kit current and provide new resources as they become available.
See more of Poster Session #1
See more of The 2005 National Viral Hepatitis Prevention Conference