Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Hep Team Chicago: A Knock-Out MSM Program

Harold S. Levine and Beau Gratzer.

Learning Objective:

By the end of the presentation participants will be able to describe the steps necessary to develop a successful campaign to promote hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccination among MSM on a city-wide level, including: formation of a community-wide coalition, development of a graphic identity and marketing campaign, participation at community-based events, outreach and education to healthcare providers, management of media relations and evaluation of the success of the program.


Despite longstanding recommendations that MSM be vaccinated against both hepatitis A and hepatitis B, and wide availability of safe and effective vaccines, research shows that less than half of the country's MSM population has been protected against hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Programs must be developed that identify locations where MSM can be vaccinated, educate providers, and promote patients to seek vaccination services.


Patient-education through the media reaching MSM and public venues where MSM congregate and Gay Pride festivals; provider education at public clinics and private providers serving MSM.

Population e.g. API Youth, MSM, IDU:

MSM in Chicago, ages 24 to 45

Project Description:

In the summer of 2005, a community-wide coalition of agencies launched Hep Team Chicago, a program which included print and online advertisements, a website, posters and printed materials, person-to-person outreach, participation at community events, identification of public clinics and private providers offering vaccination and public relations. This will be the largest and most comprehensive MSM vaccination program in the country since Seattle's Hep Squad in 1999/2000.

Results/Lessons Learned:

This abstract is being submitted prior to launch of the campaign, which will run June to August, 2005. The learnings will be cutting-edge and current. The conference presentation will include the results of a pre- and post- campaign Internet survey of MSM in Chicago (vaccination rate, recall of campaign materials, intent to seek vaccination), tracking of vaccinations actually delivered and learnings on managing a campaign of this magnitude.

Web Page: www.HepTeamChicago.com

See more of Poster Session #1
See more of The 2005 National Viral Hepatitis Prevention Conference