Thursday, December 8, 2005

HCV Testing Pilot: State of Connecticut Department of Public Health Laboratory and Viral Hepatitis Program Partnership

Andrea Lombard, HIV Surveillance and Viral Hepatitis Program, State of Connecticut Department of Public Health, 410 Capitol Ave, PO Box 340308 MS# 11 ASV, Hartford, CT, USA

Learning Objectives for this Presentation:
By the end of the presentation participants will be able to describe an HCV testing pilot and outcomes.

Approximately 1.8% of the US population is chronically infected with HCV. Infections are often asymptomatic, not detected or not reported. Persons infected often do not know that they are at risk, infected or that they can spread HCV infection to another person. HCV testing was not being conducted at the State DPH lab. Previous studies indicated that 10 to 16% is a high HCV seropositivity testing rate.

Laboratory capacity for HCV testing was assessed. A pilot was developed and implemented, referencing CDC recommendations [MMWR 2003:52(no.RR-3)]. An overnight shipping protocol was developed and piloted when current specimen transport was not available. Target population was injection drug users with no entitlements or underinsured. Implemented via concentric circle approach, starting with one site and expanding to 22. Sites included: community based organizations (CBO - methadone maintenance clinics); HIV Counseling Test Sites; and, local health departments. Site personnel attended a mandatory orientation session prior to participating.

From May 2004 to February 2005, 437 specimens were submitted/tested: 335 (76.6%) EIA negative; 102 (23.2%) EIA positive. Of the 102 positive results, 97 were confirmed by EIA signal-to-cut-off (s/co) ratio algorithm ≥ 3.8. RIBA reflex testing produced three indeterminate and two negative results. Represented 6% of the confirmed anti-HCV laboratory test reported to DPH surveillance. CBO seropositivity rate was 40.5%.

DPH lab has the capacity to conduct HCV antibody and reflex testing. Approximately 300 specimens/month can be processed with current staffing. Using pilot guidelines, it is estimated that DPH can conduct HCV testing for $50,000/year. Focusing on target population yields high seropositive rate. HCV testing at DPH lab increases confirmed chronic HCV infections reported. Using an overnight transport system is a cost effective and safe method for specimen transport.

See more of Poster Session #2
See more of The 2005 National Viral Hepatitis Prevention Conference