Learning Objective:
By the end of the presentation participants will be able to identify methods for creation of a social marketing campaign in order to promote prevention, screening and vaccination for viral hepatitis.
MSM and IDU are at high risk for contracting viral hepatitis: MSM for hepatitis A and B virus (HAV & HBV); IDU with reference to HAV, HBV and hepatitis C. Yet, studies conducted in 1998-9 by the County of San Diego found that only 16% of MSM and 6% of IDU seen in clinics were vaccinated.
We have created a social marketing campaign and placed it in newspapers read by MSM and IDU populations as well as venue based displays strategically placed in areas where our target populations frequent.
Population e.g. API Youth, MSM, IDU:
Project Description:
Family Health Centers of San Diego (FHCSD) is a key provider of prevention services to MSM and IDU and well-placed to reach and educate these key populations about viral hepatitis. Therefore, a social marketing campaign has been created in order to educate MSM and IDU populations as well as encourage screening and vaccination.
Results/Lessons Learned:
We have learned that our MSM and IDU populations have very little knowledge regarding viral hepatitis or the importance of screening and vaccination. We have also learned that creation of messages and displays that "speak" to the target populations and encourage them to take action is vital.
See more of B2 - Hepatitis Prevention Campaigns for Men Who Have Sex With Men
See more of The 2005 National Viral Hepatitis Prevention Conference