Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Bringing it all Together: Indiana's Viral Hepatitis Working Group

Cheryl V. Pearcy, Jennifer J. Mccarthy, Julie Butwin, and Lee Bray.

Learning Objective:

By the end of the presentation participants will be able to understand the benefits of monthly meetings with all Hepatitis programs and how to disseminate Hepatitis information with a united message.


The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) does not have a central Viral Hepatitis division. Rather, Hepatitis A is handled by the Foodborne/Enteric Epidemiologist in the Epidemiology Resource Center (ERC); Hepatitis B is handled by a chief nurse consultant in the ERC and Perinatal Hepatitis B by the Immunizaton Program; while Hepatitis C and viral Hepatitis prevention is in the HIV/STD Program. Before the working group meetings were initiated, there were several barriers inherent to working with different divisions and operational philosophies. Examples include surveillance vs. treatment; work duplication; and inefficient communication.


Meetings occur monthly at ISDH with a representative from each of the Hepatitis programs.

Population e.g. API Youth, MSM, IDU:

not applicable.

Project Description:

Beginning in 2004, the group meets monthly to work on Hepatitis projects and exchange information and ideas. A continuing effort to create a Viral Hepatitis strategic plan and promote Hepatitis awareness are two important goals of the group.

Results/Lessons Learned:

As a result of the monthly meetings, the group has developed an effective method to provide Hepatitis information through effective collaboration. Goals met include: revised reporting documents, updated the ISDH Quick Facts website, published a Hepatitis awareness article in the Indiana Epidemiology Newsletter, created alerts on the ISDH website about Hepatitis, and prepared a supporting presentation for a strategic plan. Projects will be continually added as required.

See more of Poster Session #1
See more of The 2005 National Viral Hepatitis Prevention Conference