Friday, December 9, 2005 - 8:30 AM

Small Budget, Big Dreams: Missouri Hepatitis Prevention

Scott Carson, Section for Communicable Disease Prevention, Prevention and Care Programs, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, 930 Wildwood, PO Box 570, Jefferson City, MO, USA

Learning Objective:

a. By the end of the presentation participants will be able to link HIV and hepatitis risk behaviors in an HIV counseling setting and identify ways to integrate viral hepatitis training into existing HIV training courses.
b. By the end of the presentation participants will be able to identify governmental and non-governmental agencies suitable for collaborative efforts.
c. By the end of the presentation participants will be able to identify viable solutions for challenges to effective viral hepatitis prevention.


Background: The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) receives ELC grant funding for integration of HCV education with existing HIV programs, and no state funds for viral hepatitis education, vaccination and testing. Through partnerships with other government agencies, CBOs, nonprofit organizations and corporate sponsors DHSS is able to provide viral hepatitis education, vaccination and testing for high-risk adults in Missouri.


Setting: Local health departments, CBOs, outreach venues, drug treatment centers and the criminal justice system.

Population e.g. API Youth, MSM, IDU:

Population: Sexually active adults, STD clinic patients, IDUs, and persons at risk for occupational exposure.

Project Description:

Project Description:
a. Training of HIV CTR personnel through incorporation of hepatitis information and counseling modules in HIV training programs.
b. Education of DIS, clinic personnel, and CBO staff in each public health region.
c. Partnership with non-profit organizations, local public health departments, CBOs and corporate sponsors to make hepatitis vaccination, testing and referral available.
d. Collaboration with the Department of Mental Health to provide vaccination, education and testing in IDU treatment venues.

Results/Lessons Learned:

Results/Lessons Learned:
a. Upgrade data collection and surveillance methods.
b. Improve follow-up for second and third vaccination doses.
c. Develop a comprehensive viral hepatitis prevention plan.

Handout (.ppt format, 4198.0 kb)

See more of J6- Creative Approaches to Maximizing Resources
See more of The 2005 National Viral Hepatitis Prevention Conference