Learning Objective:
By the end of the presentation participants will be able to:
1.Apply HCV testing into existing HIV Counseling and Testing services among IDUs
2.Identify HCV as a valuable incentive among IDUs for HIV testing
3.Share new integration strategies with other agencies.
In California, injection drug users (IDUs) comprise the second leading risk group for HIV infection and the majority of hepatitis C virus (HCV) As of 2001, there were an estimated 600,000 Californians infected with HCV, of whom an estimated 60% acquired HCV through drug injection, and an estimated 5,000 new infections occur annually in the state. However, this underestimates the burden of disease among injectors because they access HIV counseling and testing (C&T) services less frequently than other risk groups and are less likely to return for test results.
In 2003, the California DHS Office of AIDS (DHS/OA) utilized $40,000 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to conduct a demonstration project to evaluate the use of HCV C&T as an incentive for IDUs to obtain HIV C&T services.
Local Health Jurisdictions (LHJs) in California with high prevalence of IDUs according to 2000-01 HIV C&T data.
Population e.g. API Youth, MSM, IDU:
Injection Drug Users
Project Description:
Based on the success of the demonstration project, the Injection Drug User HIV Testing Utilizing HCV Testing High-Risk Initiative (HRI) was implemented. Funds will purchase HCV test kits and pay for laboratory expenses. Data is collected via on the HIV Counseling Information Form (CIF) and recorded in the HIV6 Counseling Information System.
Results/Lessons Learned:
The use of HCV C&T services to attract IDUs to HIV C&T services has been highly successful and has clearly demonstrated the need for a statewide integration of HCV services in to both HIV C&T and education and prevention services.
See more of F4 - Hepatitis Integration into HIV Prevention Programs for Injection Drug Users
See more of The 2005 National Viral Hepatitis Prevention Conference