Wednesday, December 7, 2005 - 2:30 PM

The Live Longer Project

Judy Norton and Bob England.

Learning Objective:

By the end of the presentation participants will be able to consider the applicability of the Arizona Live Longer Project for their own jurisdiction, and be able to identify the steps necessary to create a similar program.


The primary mission of the Live Longer Project is to provide up-to-date health education and resources to those diagnosed with HCV in a timely and cost-effective manner. The Live Longer Project is based on a smaller pilot program developed in Milford, Conneciticut. Clients are counseled on how to manage an HCV-positive lifestyle and are offered community resources including hepatitis A and B vaccines. This report summarizes the first 6 months of the project, analyzing more than 1,000 client questionnaries.


Arizona Department of Health Services

Population e.g. API Youth, MSM, IDU:

Newly reported HCV-positive clients.

Project Description:

The project addresses the societal and economic impact of HCV. The project uses the existing surveillance system to focus on secondary prevention interventions, and educate individuals already infected on health management in order to slow the progression of liver disease. Letters are sent to newly reported clients asking them to call the Health Department. Health Educators counsel clients over the phone, provide health education messages (such as avoiding alcohol), offer local referrals, and administer the questionnaire.
Incarcerated clients are included in the Project. One-on-one visits are conducted with prisoners in order to protect confidentiality. A questionnaire specific to the incarcerated population is administered.

Results/Lessons Learned:

Health education messages regarding behaviors that can help prevent or delay liver disease are well received by many individuals who have been reported to the Health Department. Contacting newly reported clients directly, to offer hepatitis C prevention and care messages has the potential to prevent multiple cases of severe liver disease and future costs associated with treatment and care.

Web Page: www.AZDHS.GOV

See more of E2 - Living With Hepatitis C: Getting the Information You Need
See more of The 2005 National Viral Hepatitis Prevention Conference