Thursday, December 8, 2005

Community Partners Logic Model

Julie Gleason-Comstock and Harry L. Simpson.

Learning Objective:

By the end of the presentation participants will be able to
1) Describe community roles in needs assessment for HepC/ HIV/Substance Abuse (SA) prevention among re-entry/incarcerated populations, 2) Identify resources and constraints for development of HepC/HIV/SA prevention coalitions, 3) Apply a logic model to training and capacity building for community partnerships.


Community Health Awareness Group (CHAG) is the largest community provider of HIV prevention services to African Americans in Michigan. CHAG is a proven leader in serving substance abusers in Detroit and is nationally recognized for work in consumer advocacy and outreach to incarcerated and re-entry populations, HIV and HepC prevention and education, syringe exchange, HIV Rapid Testing and street outreach professional training. In the proposed planning phase of Community Partnerships for Change (CPC), community-based HIV and SA providers and representatives from local, regional and state groups will assess needs of minority and re-entry populations for HepC prevention through community level data collection and establish parameters for a strategic plan. The model is based on evidence-based theory and experience with urban ethnography and rapid assessment, strategic planning, street surveys and indigenous focus groups.


Community-based organizations, public health, service providers, incarceration facilities, workgroups and coalitions.

Population e.g. API Youth, MSM, IDU:

Target service population is persons who have been incarcerated and their partners.

Project Description:

A logic model for HepC/HIV/SA comprehensive strategic planning has been developed which identifies inputs (resources and constraints), activities (needs assessment, capacity building) and outcomes (early, intermediate, and long-term).

Results/Lessons Learned:

Public health data has shown elevated rates and similar risk behaviors for HepC, HIV and SA among re-entry populations. Utilization of successful HIV/SA risk reduction models may be of value for the development of partnerships in HepC prevention.

See more of Poster Session #2
See more of The 2005 National Viral Hepatitis Prevention Conference