Monday, October 27, 2003 - 4:30 PM

This presentation is part of B8: Practical Connections With the HL7 Standard

A Web and Web-Services Messaging Interface for the Houston-Harris County Immunization Registry

apollo Mcowiti, Weimin Wu, William Eaton, Raymond Sbrusch, Julie Boom, and John Halter. Biocomputing Facility, Baylor College Of medicine, One Baylor Plaza, M2202A, Houston, TX, USA

XML, Web-Services, 2-Factor Authentication, RSA-token, Oracle9i

The Houston-Harris County Immunization Registry (HHCIR) was established in 1998. It implemented a client-server system where addition of new participants required custom client software. It was decided in 2001 to redesign the system to allow for communications with the most basic web-client and provide one global interface for Electronic Medical Records systems.

To design ‘thin’ and ‘thick’ client interfaces for the registry to allow for communication with web-browsers and Electronic Medical Records Systems

The HHCIR design supports communication with two clients:
(i) Interactive browser-based “thin-clients”. These include web browser and WML devices.
(ii) Non- interactive “Thick Client” that exchanges HL-7 v 2.4 XML messages using SOAP-ATTACH and ebXMLv2.0 message profile over HTTPS.
A web-services interface is implemented to communicate with software products that rely on SOAP/ebXML standards. Patient Confidentiality is maintained by defining three levels of consent. 2-factor authentication is implemented using RSA-securID tokens and digital certificates. The system is J2EE-based with Oracle9iAS middleware and Oracle9i database

The web-client has undergone beta testing. Logician and Quick Recovery systems have been used to test the API. Go live is scheduled for July 2003

The HHCIR interface maintains confidentiality and security, allowing small providers access using the web browser and providing a uniform interface for software systems that use HL-7 XML messaging communication

To design and implement a web and XML web-services interfaces to a registry. To use web-services to support diverse systems without customizing APIs for each system. How to apply 2-factor authentication using the RSA SecurID tokens and digital certificates

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