Gardenia (Crowne Plaza Ravinia)
Monday, October 27, 2003: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM

B8: Practical Connections With the HL7 Standard

This session will present practical uses of the Health Level 7 standard. It presents low cost options for maintaining the basic data exchange functions. It discusses conducting due date recommendations. It describes the use of the new web-based XML tag implementation of 2.xHL7 standards.
Learning Objectives: Participants should be able to extrapolate how these implementations could be applied in their registry systems and gain an appreciation for how to investigate the use of the Health Level 7 standards in their registry.

Moderator:Warren Williams
3:30 PM Introductory Remarks
3:45 PM Discussion
4:00 PM 3886iREX vs. T. Rex*
David J. Marotta
4:15 PM 3743Returning Next-Due-Date Recommendations upon Queries by External Systems via HL-7*
Bhumil Shah, Erika H. Jenssen, Siu Wing Tong
4:30 PM 3908A Web and Web-Services Messaging Interface for the Houston-Harris County Immunization Registry
apollo Mcowiti, Weimin Wu, William Eaton, Raymond Sbrusch, Julie Boom, John Halter

The 2003 Immunization Registry Conference (October 27-29, 2003) of CDC